Saturday, November 3, 2012

            The new Jamaa Journal is exactly the same as the last one, except for the cover!  The monthly members gift for November is.... pet foxes!
            Be sure to go to Jam Mart Clothing and buy all the Day of the Phantom items that are on clearence before they're gone!  There is a giant phantom for 600 gems in Jam Mart Furniture.  You should also buy the Day of the Phantom items there too, because they're on clearence.  Also, the-okay, let's just say all the Day of the Phantom items are on clearence.  Alos, Jamaa isn't decorated anymore.  In Epic Wonders, there is an epic seasonal tree for 2,250 gems.
            In Jam Mart Clothing, there are scary antlers for 200 gems. 
            At the Pet's Only Shop(at the Pet's Only Party) there are turtle shell houses for 700 gems.  Finally something new for pets!
Sorry there isn't anymore things to post, I spent this time doing glitches.  I will soon make a glitch page and post the pictures, but I feel lazy and don't feel like uploading pictures.  Also, this post and the one above it are posted at the wrong time.  This one goes before that one.