Friday, March 29, 2013

Hey jammers!  Sorry for not posting in so long.  I've been so busy and haven't had time to go on Animal Jam.
Yesterday was the update, and a VERY exciting one too.  The main news is...  Animal Jam has over 10,000,000 kids signed up!  The new code to celebrate is 10MILLION.  You get a special den item for using it.  And there are special facts all around Jamaa.  Can you find all of them?
The next page is about the spring egg hunt and the monthly member gift for April, spirit armor.  Look below in the post for the clues for the egg hunt.
Here's an exciting page.  Every game is double gems! 
The next page is basically explaining that Cosmo is going on a quest for a new land and taking the koalas with him.  Starting on April 11, koalas won't be available to buy, so stock up!  And maybe if we have koalas, we might be able to go with him or something...
The second to last page is about the April Fools Party and a joke contest by Grahm!
And finally, the last page is probably the most mysterious one.  All it says is "It's almost time for an adventure..."
In Jam Mart Clothing, the new item is baseball cleats (sorry, this isn't the computer that lets me put pictures in).  They're on a sports theme I think.  Next thing and there'll be a baseball field den! 
And here's a guide to the eggs! The egg in Jamaa Township is right near the Mira statue.  The egg in Appondale is next to the Pet Shop.  The egg in Mount Shiveer is next to the seal carving.  The egg in The Temple of Zios is near the river.  The egg in Coral Canyons is near the tree that is at the top of the stairs.  The egg in Canyons Pathway is right near the Crystal Sands exit.  And the Crystal Sands egg is right next to the aquarium.  Your prize is a bird nest! When you click on the eggs, creatures pop out!  I got two baby phantoms, two snakes, and something else.  Got to go play some games and earn some gems now!
Yours Sincerely,

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hey jammers!  Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I started a post and then never got time to finish and publish.  Well, if you haven't noticed, this blog as over 500 views!  Maybe we should have a party!  Let's try the Saturday after next, at about 2:00 Mountain Time.  If I'm not there, then I can't come.  

The new item (or is it, sorry, I don't know if it is new today or if they forgot to take of the new label, I haven't been on in a while) is the clover balloon, in Jam Mart Clothing.
I also forgot to mention that the raccoon alpha statue, named LaSalle, is in stores at the Chamber of Knowledge (sorry, for some reason I can only upload the clover picture).  I think they should call that part the Chamber of Knowledge Shop.  Or Chamber of Knowlege Mystical Wonders Warehouse.  What about you?
In Bahari Bargains, there is a nautilus necklace (nautilus is the kind of shell I think) for sale.
In Sunken Treasures, the Ships Helm is the new items.
Also, could you jammers head over to the story page and read one or two?  And please comment with feedback.  Thanks!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Glitchy Glitch

Hey jammers!  Sorry, I can't post the new item right now, I'm on animal jam on an iPad and it won't let me.  Go to the Animal Jam Spirit for the new item.  I am also going to change the name of my blog to the Animal Jam Purr by tomorrow.  The address will be  Tell me what you think.
I'll tell you about a glitch but sorry, no pictures.
1. Go to any entryway to another land(Deep Blue and Kani Cove or The Art Room are good to start with).
2.  Open up the party tab(if you're doing it in a party).
3.  Click the entryway.
When you're almost at the entryway, click the party or open up the map and click an opposite( like if you're in water click land and vice versa) land.

Tada!  It takes a while to get.  There are also many other side effects.  What do you think of this
glitch?  Are there more glitches like this one?  Be sure to comment below.
Yours Sincerely,

Monday, March 11, 2013

Hey jammers!  I'm so sorry I haven't been posting.  I have been really busy.  I promise to try to post more often.
I got a snow leopard!  I got the card.  What was really weird was last night, when I tried the code, it said it wasn't a code or was already used.  Then today, I found out you need lowercase numbers( and who ever heard of that?).
Today's rare item is the rare anchored ballcap.  Nice that it's for all members.
Plus, an annoying glitch I spotted.

Do glitches like this one happen often?  See you in Jamaa!
Yours Sincerely,

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hey jammers!  No new items in the shops, they're probably in a party.  Here's a random list of fun things to do or hold in your den.
Forest- Buy a bunch of different trees and put them around your den.  The mushroom and underground den are the best.  Put in plants too and try not to make it too humanish. 
Bakery- A small den is best.  Take a bunch of tables and block off a corner.  Then put in a diner's booth and a couple of other small items for decoration.  When people come, ask them for their order and type it up on Microsoft Word so you remember.  Tell them the "cost"(don't really charge them anything) and bake it.  Keep track of all your sales.
Veterinarian's- A castle den work best.  Set up a waiting room complete with toys to play with and a couch to sit on.  Then set up seperate rooms and use dividers for privacy.  Get a person to manage the front desk.  Ask them to keep track of all the patients on Microsoft Word.  Get a couple other people to be vets and start.  Bring them into your office/check up room and check them out.  When they leave, be sure to "give" them a special treat.
Airplane-  A small den works best.  Line up a bunch of dividers to make the inside of the plane.  Then line up tables to make the wing.  Use another divider to close off the pilots section.  Then use chairs or sofas for seats.  Get other people to be attendents and serve food.
Concert- Any den will work.  Use a divider to seperate the stage and backstage.  Backstage, give some snacks, a vanity, and other small decorations.  On stage, put a microphone, drums, a DJ stand, a guitar, and some rome for dancers.  If there are back-up singers, give some extra microphones.  Then put some pillows in the audience section and make an aisle.
Restruant- A resturant den works best.  Fill the big area with diner booths and if it is a buffet, a buffet and dessert table.  Add in some decorations.  In the kitchen area, you don't really have to put anything in.  Get some waiters and chefs and you're ready to go!
If you liked those ideas, comment and say if you want more.  Sorry, I don't have time left now.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hey jammers!  Today's new item is in Jam Mart Clothing.  It really goes along with the Lucky Day theme.  I really like the look of it, don't you?
And to those of you who don't know, I have been officially playing Animal Jam for around one year now, since I don't remember Friendship Parties but I have faint memories of Lucky Day Parties.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hey jammers!  Today's new item is the clover skirt in Bahari Bargains.  I think there should be a land item like that, it could be pretty popular!
Could you comment with some ideas for me to post?  Such as interesting things to do, or things like that every day?   I know my blog must be pretty boring with me just posting the new item.  And if you haven't already, please check out the story page and comment with some feedback.  Thanks! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hey jammers!  The long wait is over!  Raccoon are here!  Here is mine.

Pet arctic wolves are this month's member gift.  You know, I know lots of people don't like this trend of pet member gifts, but personally, I love this new idea.
And a new Jamaa Journal.  The front page is all about the new raccoons.
The next page is about Brady Barr's Lab.

The third page is about the pet arctic wolves and the birds-of-paradise.

And the last page is about the hat contest winner(finally Cosmo!) and new raccoon plushies and toys.  I think the eagle hat will become pretty popular, congratulations Mighty Spiritwolf!

And in Epic Wonders, just in time for March, is the aquamarine!  Pretty cool-looking, I think.

Just something to think about.  What do you think of dens for rent, and inns, and hotels where you actually send something?  Is that okay?  I  mean, you already have your own.  Or is it fun?  After all, they might have some fun things to be in a den with.  What's your opinion?  Comment below.