Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hey jammers!  The snow den items seem to be making a comeback.  Perhaps the snow fort den will reappear in stores soon.  I certainly hope so.  When they came out, I got one of them, but then I recycled it for more gems.>.<  Then they went on clearence and left.  But enough about snow dens.  Now to new items in Jamaa.
In Jam Mart Furniture, thereis a pile of snowballs for 350 gems.
In Epic Wonders, the gingerbread garden is still considered "new"(AJHQ seems to have trouble taking off new symbols nowadays).  If you'd like to see it, just visit my den.

In Bahari Bargains, there is a Jamaaliday necklace and a a gingerbread man.  How do they get him to not crumble to his death?  Is he water proof or something?

Also jammers, as I was designing an outfit for my monkey, I noticed this glitch.

 The above is how the elf hat should look.  But looks how it switched colors on my monkey.

The color of the ear switched with the
two bands!

 Also, the halo breaks up and comes back in the profile picture on rhinos.

Something really odd happened when I was in Jamaa Township.
A horse running in place with an empty emotion bubble over it's head!  It didn't seem to respond to anything.  When I clicked on it's nametag, this came up:

A monkey?  I buddied the person, and it said they were in Mt. Shiveer!  I went to them, and they were a bunny in Mt. Shiveer.  Perfectly normal.  I looked at their animal list, and their horse looked nothing like that!  Crazy, huh?  See you in Jamaa
Yours Sincerely,

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hey jammers!  I'm not sure if I can get on!  When I log, in, the server choices are blank, no name, no green dots, nothing(sorry forgot picture), and when I click on it, it loads and a notice comes up saying that there is an error and to refresh and try another world or try again later. >.<  I need to tell(no more likely vent my anger on) the HQ.  I would just like to say that posts will be infrequent.  I might not post everyday, I might be able to.  I am very busy.  But next year, I will post more.  Like, every day more.  Or at least try.  I will update when I can get on.  If I can get on. >.<
Okay, jammers, I'm on.  I went on a different computer.  The problem is, there will be no pictures this post because that computer won't let me upload pictures. 
In Jam Mart Furniture, there are five new things.  I don't know all the details because the glitches made me log off, but there is an ice prison, an ice torch, a stocking(which has been "new" for a while, a snowflake table, and something that I think is called an ice chair.  Then, I got logged off.  I am going away for New Years, but I can still post.  Hopefully, the glitch won't happen there.  I sent AJHQ an email, so hopefully they react.
Yours Sincerely,
P.S.  I know my username on the blog is Tallstar107, but on Animal Jam, it's tallstar107.

Friday, December 28, 2012

I'm back!

            Hi jammers!  Sorry for leaving without warning.  I got bored, but now snowyclaw's blog:   has inspired me to keep going.  Also, even though I think they finished this, snowyclaw was the founder of the Jamaasian Movement, which aims to bring shamans, jamaasian lore, and a balance between humanizing Jamaa and naturizing(funny word I made up) Jamaa.  I have never met a shaman, but snowyclaw and The Spirit Blog sparked the hope in me that any of that is possible. 
            There is a new code: jamaalidays13   .  It gets you 500 gems(not much in my opinion.)
            Also, I can't get on Animal Jam.  Anytime I try to log in, it either loads forever, or does this:
The screen just goes black!
            If something changes and I can get on, I'll be sure to update this post.
Yours Sincerely,