Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hey jammers!  I'm not sure if I can get on!  When I log, in, the server choices are blank, no name, no green dots, nothing(sorry forgot picture), and when I click on it, it loads and a notice comes up saying that there is an error and to refresh and try another world or try again later. >.<  I need to tell(no more likely vent my anger on) the HQ.  I would just like to say that posts will be infrequent.  I might not post everyday, I might be able to.  I am very busy.  But next year, I will post more.  Like, every day more.  Or at least try.  I will update when I can get on.  If I can get on. >.<
Okay, jammers, I'm on.  I went on a different computer.  The problem is, there will be no pictures this post because that computer won't let me upload pictures. 
In Jam Mart Furniture, there are five new things.  I don't know all the details because the glitches made me log off, but there is an ice prison, an ice torch, a stocking(which has been "new" for a while, a snowflake table, and something that I think is called an ice chair.  Then, I got logged off.  I am going away for New Years, but I can still post.  Hopefully, the glitch won't happen there.  I sent AJHQ an email, so hopefully they react.
Yours Sincerely,
P.S.  I know my username on the blog is Tallstar107, but on Animal Jam, it's tallstar107.

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