Saturday, July 6, 2013


Hi jammers!  Today's new item is the Moon Hat, sold in The Summer Carnival.  It looks, uh, interesting...
Now, I just realized that I completely neglected the fact that kangaroos are here!  They are being sold as gift cards in Australia and New Zealand.  I even have some buddies who are kangaroos. Here are some pictures (usernames left out on purpose): 


  1. How do you like kangroo freinds. I think the moon is a little creepy don't you please commant back. P.S do you really wont a kangroo

    1. My kangaroo buddies are very kind friends. :) I think the moon hat is VERY x a million creepy. And to answer your question, I think every single jammer wants a kangaroo just around now.

    2. LIKE ME!! I really want a kangaroo, but I only have 9 diamonds! THIS IS TORTURE!! I JUST NEED ONE MORE DIAMOND!! WAAH!! :(
