Friday, March 29, 2013

Hey jammers!  Sorry for not posting in so long.  I've been so busy and haven't had time to go on Animal Jam.
Yesterday was the update, and a VERY exciting one too.  The main news is...  Animal Jam has over 10,000,000 kids signed up!  The new code to celebrate is 10MILLION.  You get a special den item for using it.  And there are special facts all around Jamaa.  Can you find all of them?
The next page is about the spring egg hunt and the monthly member gift for April, spirit armor.  Look below in the post for the clues for the egg hunt.
Here's an exciting page.  Every game is double gems! 
The next page is basically explaining that Cosmo is going on a quest for a new land and taking the koalas with him.  Starting on April 11, koalas won't be available to buy, so stock up!  And maybe if we have koalas, we might be able to go with him or something...
The second to last page is about the April Fools Party and a joke contest by Grahm!
And finally, the last page is probably the most mysterious one.  All it says is "It's almost time for an adventure..."
In Jam Mart Clothing, the new item is baseball cleats (sorry, this isn't the computer that lets me put pictures in).  They're on a sports theme I think.  Next thing and there'll be a baseball field den! 
And here's a guide to the eggs! The egg in Jamaa Township is right near the Mira statue.  The egg in Appondale is next to the Pet Shop.  The egg in Mount Shiveer is next to the seal carving.  The egg in The Temple of Zios is near the river.  The egg in Coral Canyons is near the tree that is at the top of the stairs.  The egg in Canyons Pathway is right near the Crystal Sands exit.  And the Crystal Sands egg is right next to the aquarium.  Your prize is a bird nest! When you click on the eggs, creatures pop out!  I got two baby phantoms, two snakes, and something else.  Got to go play some games and earn some gems now!
Yours Sincerely,

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