Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Glitch of the Week starts now!

Hi jammers!  Today's new item is the stone carved stove, found in none other than Outback Imports!
It looks rather interesting, as if an animal carved it.  Now that I think about it, it probably was an animal that carved it!  And is it just me, or does the stone look similar to the kinds of stone in Coral Canyons?  Comment with your opinion!
I've decided to do something called: The Glitch of the Week!  Most of these glitches will have been taught to me by someone, or I will have found it online.  I will try to give credit to the person who I learned them from, unless I do not remember, as is this glitch.  Today's glitch is a Mt. Shiveer glitch. Let's start.
Tent Glitch
Location:  Mt. Shiveer
Effect:  Enables glitch-doer to walk on top of the Hot Cocoa Hut
Difficulty:  Hard
  1. Start by standing next to the tent, as far towards the mountain as possible.
    2.  Click on the name tag of someone in Mt. Shiveer with you and open the game tab.
    3.  Click on the striped pattern in between the party symbol and the journey book symbol.
    4.  As quickly as possible after clicking the pattern, select a game.
    5.  Quickly cancel the game.  If you did it correctly, you should be running on top of the tent.
    6.  As fast as you can, click on the change animals button.  Click the area where the animal that you already are is, even if it hasn't loaded. 
    If you did it correctly, you should be standing on the Hot Cocoa Tent!  This takes persistence and patience, so don't be angry if you don't get it on the first try.  Good luck!
    See you in Jamaa!

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