Sorry about not posting for the last few days, I've been busy with..... a lot of stuff, let's just say. I'll make more of an effort and
try to post at least every other day. I am not promising I will, because I might not get time. And I am not saying I am quiting AJ or this blog(If I did I would be the worst blogger because my blog just started.). I am just busy. So, today, there might be a longer post.
There's lots more spookiness after the latest update! The phantoms have only "taken over" Jamaa, but I'm sure they'll start on the other lands soon(if I say anything you know is not true about Day of the Phantoms, I'm guessing, because I wasn't on Animal Jam for last year's Day of the Phantoms, so this year is my first! I'm so excited!)! First of all, lots of phantoms are hanging around Jamaa. The sky is darker, and jack-o-lanterns are everywhere! The bridge has black iron rails, there are three ghosts next to the pillow room, and there are tombstones everywhere! The fountain also has a snowglobe on top showing a haunted house! But the worst is: the Mira statue is a glowing red phantom statue! Lightning bolts are flashing(actually, I think they go off at certain times, or it was a phantom hat thing), and you can go trick-or-treating in all the lands on Animal Jam except oceans! Also, there are Phantom Vortexes! All they have is a game inside, but it's still pretty cool!
In Jamaa at the clothing store, you click the candy bowl and get a candy bar wrapped in blue paper! Next to Club Geoz, you get 3 candy corn pieces! Next to the Conservation Museum, you can get an orange wrapped circular candy! Next to the Cocoa Hut, you get three yellow, purple, and pink wrapped candies stacked on top of each other that look suspiciously like Bliss or Dove chocolate(in my opinion)! Next to the Movie Theatre in Serepia Forest, you can get a green apple(not my idea of treats;)! In Zios(I think this is kinda creepy and mysterious), you get a peppermint next to the blocked up door next to the river! In Coral Canyons at the Art Studio, you get a red lollipop! Yum(I'm licking my lips)! In Crystal Sands, next to the Pet Wash, you can get popcorn!
Ok, I feel pretty stupid, yet excited right now! I was in Coral Canyons, and someone was running in place next to the sign to Crystal Sands. I tryed it, but ended up walking through the passageway. I ended up in the Canyons Passageway! I know it probably doesn't seem exciting to you, cause you probably knew it was there all along, but I never knew there was a Canyons Passage way in my three quarters of a year on Animal Jam, and I thought I knew everything about AJ!
In Jam Mart clothing, there is a mummy mask for 250 gems, a hockey mask for 250 gems, and a halo for 300 gems! Also, when I put on my halo with my butterfly wings and diamond necklace, the halo doesn't show up! In the circle on the bottom it does, and when you change clothes it says its there, but when you're actually moving or jsut standing still or whatever, it's not there(at least on my fox)! In Jam Mart Furniture(odd the clothing and furniture store have the same name), there is a candy bowl for 250 gems, a bat tombstome for 200 gems, ghosts for 250 gems, and scary balloons for 150. In the Shiveer Shoppe(finally something new there), they have a pumpkin mask for 200 gems(personally, I'd call it happy pumpkin mask), and an angry pumpkin mask for 150 gems. In Epic Wonders, there is a feathered mask for 2,000 gems. There is also phantom mask for 2,500 gems, and it is huge! It shoots out lightning bolts and moves its eye! In the furniture section, there is a spooky tree(maybe they should call it a haunted tree) for 2,000 gems. In Bahari Bargains, there is a jack-o-lantern head for 350 gems and a superhero cape for 400 gems. In Sunken Treasures, there are phantom lights for 250 gems.
EPIC! I just met an Arctic Wolf! On Animal Jam! The user is emmywemmy1229. She buddied me and told me how to get an arctic wolf! She told me you can buy them(I think she meant a gift card for them) at Walmart! I've never seen a gift card for that, but Walmart is pretty big! I also did some research and found that the first(I think the first) arctic wolf seen was LiitleMighty. But if you see emmywemmy1229, please try not to crowd her because wouldn't you think it's overwhelming for people to be saying "Can I be your buddy" and all like stepping on your animal and stuff? So please don't do it to her. I also saw another arctic wolf!